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Join date : 2020-03-15
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Create a Player Guide Empty Create a Player Guide

2020-03-30, 7:06 am
Welcome to the league!

If you are here, that means you are new to the simulation projects. But no worry - it's not that hards as you think it is. I am here to help you understand how this all works with some few and simple steps.

First thing you need to do is create a player. You can choose in which position to play - center, right wing, left wing, defense or as a goalie. Go https://shvl.forumotion.me/t1-create-a-player-templates#1 and select one of two templates - for a skater or goalie, which you wanna be. Copy one of these templates! After that, go https://shvl.forumotion.me/f5-create-a-player and press ''Post new topic''. Paste copied stuff and put available 200 training points to your players attributes and complete other information. In title put your players first and last name. When all is done, scroll a bit down and press ''Send''!

Congratulations! Now you have a player! Soon you will be accepted by the league owner and that will mean that you will be eligable for upcoming draft.

Second thing you need to do is create an update thread for your player. It's simple - it's a thread a.k.a topic, where you can upgrade your attributes for your player. Example of how looks update thread is https://shvl.forumotion.me/t16-aumy-jr-workout-hall. You need one for yourself. Go https://shvl.forumotion.me/f10-shvl-free-agents-update-threads, press ''Post new topic'' and create an update thread for your player. After it's done - press ''Send'' again.

Congratulations! Now you have an update thread for your player! That will be the place where you can upgrade attributes for your player!

Third thing you need to do is start to upgrade your player! Don't be scared - it's pretty easy! You need to link all your earned TPE links to your update thread. You can take example again from my update thread which is linked a bit higher! There are shown all ways how you can earn TPE on our league. Click https://shvl.forumotion.me/t2-all-possible-ways-to-earn-tpe-or-money to see them!

Earn TPE, upgrade your player and most importantly - spend great time. Join our discord server aswell. There are some people who can help you when I am offline, because I want to sleep as any other human being aswell. Join ---> https://discord.gg/3gjz5w

Be sure to check Frequently Asked Questions subforum aswell - it's https://shvl.forumotion.me/t17-frequently-asked-questions. Maybe you find some answers to your questions!
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