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Join date : 2020-03-15
Age : 25
Location : Finland

All possible ways to earn TPE Empty All possible ways to earn TPE

2020-03-15, 8:08 pm
Activity Checks: 3 TPE, once per week - you can earn 3 TPE once per week, going to Activity Check thread and posting your player's name and team. You can claim by yourself these TPE instantly.
Weekly training: 1 TPE, 3 TPE or 5 TPE per week - you can buy one training for money - cheap 1 TPE (100 000$), normal 3 TPE (500 000$) or grind 5 TPE (1 000 000$). You can't buy more that one - you need to choose which one to buy and only once per week. You can claim by yourself these TPE instantly. First one is for free (5 TPE - 1 000 000$).

Media: 1 - 6 TPE, once per week - you can make one article a.k.a mediaa per week, from which you will get TPE. It needs to be about SHVL, players who play here, press conference etc. For each next media in the same week, you will earn SHVL money. No cap for money media. You can claim these TPE instantly.

50+ words - 1 TPE
75+ words - 2 TPE
100+ words - 3 TPE
150+ words - 4 TPE
200+ words and a picture - 6 TPE

If money: 100 000$ for each 100 words

Training Camps: 20 TPE, once per season - at the start of the season, each teams GM will create teams training camp, where you will have that opportunity to claim 20 TPE. You can claim these TPE by yourself, once per season.
Point Tasks: 5 TPE, once per 1/4 season - once per 1/4 season there are point tasks where you need to do media or graphic task and earn TPE. If you do it right, you get max - 5 TPE. You will need for grade to claim these TPE. Can be shared with other simleagues!

Recruitment: a lot of TPE - you can invite your friends to SHVL and if they put in their player page that you recruited them, you will get some TPE. You will have that opportunity to post all affiliates and claim TPE by yourself.
1 TPE per referral when they join the league
+ 1 extra TPE when they hit 300 TPE mark
+ 2 extra TPE when they hit 500 TPE mark
+ 3 extra TPE when they hit 1000 TPE mark
Extra: +3 extra TPE for your first recruited user!

Post Game Shows: after each game there will be post game show which is opened till next days games will be simmed. Doing one post game shows will give you 1 TPE. It needs to be at least 50 words long. No post game shows in pre-season! Limit - 2 per week!

Mock Drafts, Milestones, Predictions, other: mostly, once per season and different amount of TPE each time, but keep watching Progression threads. You will need to wait for grade to claim.

Equipment: you can buy an equipment once per season, at anytime. You need to choose one of them - 1 000 000$ equipment gives you 5 TPE, 2 000 000$ equipment gives you 10
and 3 000 000$ equipment gives you 16 TPE.

Career Point Tasks: there are multiple career point tasks which you can complete once per your career and claim TPE instantly. Go here to see them: https://shvl.forumotion.me/f95-career-point-tasks

Important: there are no cap in SHVL TPE wise per season. Only limits - like one TPE media per week, etc.

Graphics: Graphics bring you money which you can spend on equipment, training etc. You can earn up to 2 000 000 $ per week. It needs to be a sig or avatar or anything relatable to SHVL or players who play here. You can post five graphics per week here.
1/5 - really bad, no effort in graphic, few second work - 100 000$
2/5 - still bad, but at least some effort and time - 200 000$
3/5 - average work with effort and time putted in - 300 000$
4/5 - good work, but without something special - 400 000$
5/5 - can't do much better, really good - 500 000$
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